
Worldwide, more people access the internet from their mobile and tablet devices than from desktop computers.

  • Overall, 3.8 trillion hours were spent using mobile apps during 2021. (App Annie).
  • Nearly 90% of mobile internet time is spent in apps. (influencermarketing).

Delivering a great user experience has become the number one priority as it has a powerful influence directly on the engagement, conversation, and revenue.

It’s important for mobile designers to consider mobile UX best practices at every step of the design process.

Our mobile strategy is always expanding and evolving to meet the needs of those who use our applications and to employ the best tools available


Mobile apps can be classified into four types:

  • Native apps - Native apps are created for a specific operating system in order to take advantage of the features of the devices that run that operating system. This means that native programs can only run on one type of operating system. For example, an Android app cannot be run on an iOS device, and vice versa.
  • Web apps - Web apps are responsive versions of specific websites that can be accessed via mobile browsers and work on any device. These apps, like native apps, can be accessed using mobile device web browsers. They do not qualify as stand-alone apps because they do not require downloading and installation.
  • Progressive web apps (PWA) - PWA apps are also delivered via the web but have been enhanced for use on tablets and mobile phones. They must be downloaded over a network connection and can work offline. PWA apps are also built using commonly recognized programming languages and technologies.
  • Hybrid apps - The hybrid app combines native and web apps, but is wrapped within a native app, allowing it to have its own icon and be purchased from an app store. Hybrid apps are cross-platform compatible and are not limited to a single operating system.


    Developers and designers who want to build apps should first and foremost look at the guidelines established by the platform in which they are operating and then the guidelines outlined in the Pando Design system.

    Best Practices

    • Honor the platform - Starting with the native OS's design principles is the best way to ensure quality when designing for native platforms. Keep in mind that native platform guidelines are constantly changing, so be sure to stay on top of them and evaluate your current knowledge regularly.
    • Put the user first - Your app design should be based entirely on user needs, from brainstorming your key features to verifying design ideas and creating an efficient User interface(UI).  and User experience (UX). Putting the user's goals first should be a priority and making it as easy as possible to accomplish them. Make sure to keep the user's needs in mind at all times.
    • Think device first - With a native mobile device, you can access touch, voice, pressure, location tracking, accelerometer, notifications, and more. The user experience is designed for the device, the platform, and the environment.
    • Use established design patterns are proven to work - To ensure that your users understand what your app is intended to do, best practices include using known app design patterns. Usability and simplicity can be achieved by using well recognized icons, design elements, layouts, and motions in your designs.
    • Make sure your app has a consistent look and feel - The app should look and feel the same on all devices. Maintaining consistency will allow users to use prior knowledge when using your app.
    • Enhance find ability - Simple and easy navigation is the key to encouraging app users to stay in your app and interact with it. Make navigation menus and tab bars easy to understand by using simple, easy-to-understand labels.
    • Reduce clutter - User interfaces (UI) should be straightforward and easy to use so that information can be found easily. Simple designs combined with distinctive functionality are often the most effective way to grab consumers' attention and get them to take the desired action.
    • Conduct regular tests of performance and user experience - It may be the most crucial best practice for app designers to test often to ensure that their designs are meeting users' needs - and to adjust if they aren't.
    • Content-first design should be the focus - A successful app is more about its content than its design. The most important information and Calls-to-action (CTAs) should be placed in the user's natural reach zone and should be visually emphasized.