Voice & Tone

Our Distributors and their customers are the heroes of their story. They aren’t defined by their gender, nationality, or age. What unites our USANA family is our shared values and ideals about what life and health can and should be.

USANA customers are:

  • Health conscious
  • Active
  • Optimistic
  • Youthful
  • Vibrant

Our Distributors are also:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Influencers
  • Adventurous
  • Proactive
  • Paragons

USANA is...

  • friendly rather than overly formal.
  • talks about your goals and what the products or business will help you accomplish, not about what “we” are doing for you.
  • makes health and earning supplemental income simple, not difficult.
  • is empowering to the individual and respects their intelligence, and USANA does not speak down to their audience.
  • uses active voice to be action-oriented toward their customers and distributors, and always leaves room for freedom of choice.


Healthy living is a mindset. It looks different for everybody. Invite Distributors into this ethos. It’s all about creating authentic conversations.

  • Create light, fun, and understated content
  • Make content easily scannable
  • makes health and earning supplemental income simple, not difficult.
  • Define clear calls to action
  • Use a conversational tone

Longer, text-heavy documents should be clean, clear, and straightforward. Incorporate quick breaths to help pace the information.

Whose perspective should I be writing from?

Longer, text-heavy documents should be clean, clear, and straightforward. Incorporate quick breaths to help pace the information.

USANA creates products.

“USANA has created a line of products” not “We created a line of products”.

Associates take and sell products.They should not reference USANA from the first-person.

“Try the new RESET kit from USANA” not “Try our new RESET kit”.

Customers own the products.

“Here is your new RESET kit” not “Here is USANA’s new RESET kit”.