Sliders & Ranges

A slider allows the user to specify a range between a minimum and maximum value.

The slider has a single handle that is horizontally guided along a track with a mouse or the arrow keys. The handle's position indicates the chosen value.



See the Pen Sliders - Default by USANA UX (@usana_ux) on CodePen.

Range: Simple

See the Pen Sliders - Range by USANA UX (@usana_ux) on CodePen.

Range: Complex

See the Pen Sliders - Range 2 by USANA UX (@usana_ux) on CodePen.

Multi-range: Simple

See the Pen Sliders - Multirange by USANA UX (@usana_ux) on CodePen.

Multi-range: Complex

See the Pen Sliders - Multirange 2 by USANA UX (@usana_ux) on CodePen.



  • Min value: The minimum value can be set by sliding the slider to the left. By moving left on the slider, the values become smaller.
  • Fill: Comes from the left side of the track by default
  • Value: Is optional, shows the numeric value that corresponds with the thumb’s placement.
  • Thumb: A position indicator that can be moved along the track, displaying the selected value of its position.
  • Track: Shows that the range that is available for a user to select from.
  • Max value: By dragging the slider to the right, a user can specify the maximum value. The slider's values get larger as it moves right.



Designers and developers should follow these specifications in order to create better and more pixel-perfect sliders and ranges.

Best Practices

Use a slider when:

  • It is more important to have range than precision
  • It is more important to consider a relative value than an exact value.
  • Allow users to enter a numeric value that is neither less than one nor higher than another using a slider.
  • Numerical value entry accuracy is not important.
  • When accuracy of a numeric value is critical.
  • For entering arbitrary numeric values.